Picture Book Critique Fest 2019

Dear Picture Book Authors & Illustrators,

Have you ever dreamed of getting your manuscript critiqued by a successful author, illustrator, or awesome agent?

Well… now’s your chance!

Brian Gehrlein of Picture Book Spotlight has created Picture Book Critique Fest. It’s a one-time picture book critique giveaway with 35 PB critiques to win from kidlit authors, illustrators & agents. AMAZING!

Here’s what Brian says about Picture Book Critique Fest 2019:

“My vision for this (hopefully) annual event is to celebrate the critique and revision process and to help build our kidlit community. It’s my sincerest hope that new connections will be made and that actual, living, breathing books will be birthed out of this process.”

For full details on this INCREDIBLE opportunity, and how to enter visit: #PBCritiqueFest

Register soon, because the deadline is October 25th 9AM CST.

Best of luck to everyone!

And remember, your dreams ARE within your reach. Sometimes we just need a stepping stool… or a long ladder! This could be your ladder.